IL DIVO "Papalin" --- Papalin's Music Performances | [日本語] [English] |
Home | > | Hilaire Daleo (fl. early 16th c.) |
Hilaire Daleo (b diocese of Clermont; fl early 16th century) was composer. After court service at Ferrara and Mantua, in 1513 he joined the chapel of Pope Leo X and remained there until at least 1522. His music, which follows the styles of Févin and Mouton, is not particularly distinguished, but his mass and chansons use the French idiom with skill.
Hilaire Daleo (fl. early 16th c.) * Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 01:15; * Released: 2013-7-15 |
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* normal/low/high on `play' button represents transfer bit rates.
Please select higher bit rate to play with high quality sound.