Jacobus Clemens non Papa (also Jacques Clément or Jacob Clemens non Papa) (c. 1510 to 1515 - 1555 or 1556) was a Flemish composer of the Renaissance based for most of his life in Flanders. He was a prolific composer in many of the current styles, and was especially famous for his polyphonic settings of the psalms in Dutch known as the Souterliedekens.
ID: W188
Jacobus Clemens non Papa (c1510to1515 - 1555or1556)
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 29:41; * Released: 2013-8-15 * Genre: Composer:C, 03-Renaissance, 12-Recorder(Ensemble), 14-Song(Chorus), 21-Christian music, 32-Chorus Music
[Male Chorus] Sanctus
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:00;
* Played: 297 (J)
[Male Chorus] Benedictus
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:35;
* Played: 272 (J)
[Male Chorus] Agnus Dei
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:33;
* Played: 271 (J)
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:00;
* Played: 264 (J)
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:35;
* Played: 263 (J)
Agnus Dei
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:34;
* Played: 274 (J)
3. Mais languiraige (Clemens non Papa)
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:39;
* Played: 197 (J)
4. Frais & gaillart (Clemens non Papa)
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:19;
* Played: 197 (J)
6. Rossignolet que cantes (Clemens non Papa)
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:53;
* Played: 194 (J)
7. Ie prens en gre (Clemens non Papa? Thomas Crecquillon?)
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:55;
* Played: 192 (J)
1. Adoramus te, Christe [à4]
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:09;
* Played: 175 (J)
2. Ave Maria [à5]
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:37;
* Played: 174 (J)
3. Carole magnus eras [à5]
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 05:03;
* Played: 171 (J)
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 07:49; * Released: 2013-8-15 (J)
1. Adoramus te, Christe [à4]
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:09;
* Played: 184 (J)
2. Ave Maria [à5]
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:37;
* Played: 181 (J)
3. Carole magnus eras [à5]
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: 05:03;
* Played: 166 (J)
4. Concussum est mare
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
5. Crux fidelis
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
6. Ego flos campi a3
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
7. Ego flos campi a7
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
8. Ego pro te rogavi
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
9. Fremuit spiritu Jesus
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
10. Hic est vere martyr
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
11. Ite in orbem (part1)
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
12. Ite in orbem (part2)
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
13. Job tonso capite
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
14. Magi veniunt ab oriente
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
15. Magi videntes stellam
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
16. O magnum mysterium
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
17. O Maria vernans rosa
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
18. Pastores loquebantur
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
19. Tu es Petrus
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
20. Tulerunt autem fratres
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
21. Vidi Jerusalem
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)
22. Vox in Rama
* Play:
high / normal / low ; * Time: xxxx;
* Played: 0 (J)