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Home | > | Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) : Chorals | > | J.S.Bach / Choral (Breitkopf number by Kirnberger and C.P.E.Bach) (1/7) |
1 Works for voice
1.6 Chorales (250–438)
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Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) : Chorals * Released: 2011-7-6; |
J.S.Bach / Choral (Breitkopf number by Kirnberger and C.P.E.Bach) (1/7) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 36:40; * Released: 2011-7-6 (J) |
1. Aus meines Herzens Grunde (BWV269) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:56; * Played: 4,618 (J) |
2. Ich dank dir, lieber Herre (BWV347) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:46; * Played: 4,606 (J) |
3. Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein (BWV153/1) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:40; * Played: 4,180 (J) |
4. Es ist das Heil uns kommen herI (BWV86/6) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:41; * Played: 4,210 (J) |
5. An Wasserflussen Babylon (BWV267) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:01; * Played: 6,511 (J) |
6. Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren (BWV17/7) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:29; * Played: 3,121 (J) |
7. Christus, der ist mein Leben (BWV281) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:20; * Played: 8,758 (J) |
8. Freuet euch, ihr Christen alle (BWV40/8) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:59; * Played: 6,230 (J) |
9. Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist (BWV248/12) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:49; * Played: 5,133 (J) |
10. Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (BWV38/6) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:57; * Played: 5,928 (J) |
11. Jesu, nun sei gepreiset (BWV41/6) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:27; * Played: 8,959 (J) |
12. Puer natus in Bethlehem (BWV65/2) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:25; * Played: 2,671 (J) |
13. Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (BWV33/6) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:56; * Played: 5,824 (J) |
14. O Herre Gott, dein gottlich Wort (BWV184/5) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:49; * Played: 4,972 (J) |
15. Christ lag in Todesbanden (BWV277) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:54; * Played: 5,427 (J) |
16. Es woll uns Gott genadig sein (BWV311) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:58; * Played: 5,855 (J) |
17. Erschienen ist der herrlich Tag (BWV145/5) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:28; * Played: 2,910 (J) |
18. Gottes Sohn ist kommen (BWV318) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:32; * Played: 3,425 (J) |
19. Ich hab mein Sach Gott heimgestellt (BWV351) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:31; * Played: 3,111 (J) |
20. Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott (BWV302) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:43; * Played: 4,275 (J) |
21. Herzlich tut mich verlangen (BWV153/5) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:46; * Played: 4,731 (J) |
22. Schmucke dich, o liebe Seele (BWV180/7) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:52; * Played: 5,349 (J) |
23. Zeuch ein zu deinen Toren (BWV28/6) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:52; * Played: 5,162 (J) |
24. Valet will ich dir geben (BWV415) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:43; * Played: 4,338 (J) |
25. Wo soll ich fliehen hin (BWV148/6) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:37; * Played: 3,872 (J) |
26. O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort (BWV20/11) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:40; * Played: 4,014 (J) |
27. Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl (BWV308) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:34; * Played: 3,416 (J) |
28. Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (BWV36/8) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:26; * Played: 2,610 (J) |
29. Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele (BWV32/6) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:42; * Played: 4,073 (J) |
30. Jesus Christus, unser Heiland (BWV363) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:37; * Played: 3,615 (J) |
31. Ach lieben Christen seid getrost (BWV256) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:47; * Played: 4,557 (J) |
33. Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott (BWV305) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:34; * Played: 3,285 (J) |
34. Gott des Himmels und der Erden (BWV248/53) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:50; * Played: 4,925 (J) |
35. Herr, ich habe missgehandelt (BWV330) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:33; * Played: 3,277 (J) |
36. Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist (BWV385) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:45; * Played: 4,334 (J) |
37. Jesu, der du meine Seele (BWV352) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:53; * Played: 5,248 (J) |
38. Straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn (BWV115/6) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:40; * Played: 3,820 (J) |
39. Ach, was soll ich Sunder machen (BWV259) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:33; * Played: 3,120 (J) |
41. Was mein Gott will, das gescheh allzeit (BWV65/7) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:57; * Played: 5,466 (J) |
42. Du Friedefurst, Herr Jesu Christ (BWV67/7) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:38; * Played: 3,793 (J) |
43. Liebster Gott, wann werd ich sterben (BWV8/6) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:58; * Played: 5,557 (J) |
44. Machs mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Gut (BWV377) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:36; * Played: 3,521 (J) |
45. Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (BWV248/9) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:45; * Played: 4,231 (J) |
46. Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn (BWV108/6) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:25; * Played: 2,325 (J) |
47. Vater unser im Himmelreich (BWV416) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:41; * Played: 3,847 (J) |
48. Ach wie fluchtig, ach wie nichtig (BWV26/6) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:29; * Played: 2,726 (J) |
49. Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin (BWV382) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:39; * Played: 3,628 (J) |
50. In allen meinen Taten (BWV244/37) * Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:34; * Played: 3,226 (J) |
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* Songs in this page can be played using Adobe Flash, Windows Media(R) Player, QuickTime Player, iPad/iPhone/iPod touch, Android.
* Please refer links in top page about the players.
* normal/low/high on `play' button represents transfer bit rates.
Please select higher bit rate to play with high quality sound.