"The Recorder Quarterly"
"Basic of Alto Recorder"
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"The Recorder Quarterly"
* Released: 2017-2-11; * Genre: Composer:Many, 09-Contemporary, 12-Recorder(Ensemble), 29-Music collection
[39-1] Theme // 6 Leichte Variationen über ein Schweizer Lied WoO.64 (L.van Beethoven)
* Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 01:00;
* Played: 2,468 (J)
[39-2] Var.1 // 6 Leichte Variationen über ein Schweizer Lied WoO.64 (L.van Beethoven)
* Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 00:28;
* Played: 2,200 (J)
[39-3] Var.2 // 6 Leichte Variationen über ein Schweizer Lied WoO.64 (L.van Beethoven)
* Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 00:28;
* Played: 2,228 (J)
[39-4] Var.3 // 6 Leichte Variationen über ein Schweizer Lied WoO.64 (L.van Beethoven)
* Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 00:44;
* Played: 2,304 (J)
[39-5] Var.4 // 6 Leichte Variationen über ein Schweizer Lied WoO.64 (L.van Beethoven)
* Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 00:51;
* Played: 2,370 (J)
[39-6] Var.5 // 6 Leichte Variationen über ein Schweizer Lied WoO.64 (L.van Beethoven)
* Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 00:28;
* Played: 2,209 (J)
[39-7] Var.6 // 6 Leichte Variationen über ein Schweizer Lied WoO.64 (L.van Beethoven)
* Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 00:33;
* Played: 2,247 (J)
[39-8] Nakiwaraino Episode (Hata Motohiro)
* Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 03:03;
* Played: 3,397 (J)
[39-9] Ouverture // 12 Sonatas a2 et 3 Flutes sans Basse Op.1 Nr.2 (J.Mattheson)
* Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 02:48;
* Played: 3,113 (J)
[39-10] Air en Rondeau // 12 Sonatas a2 et 3 Flutes sans Basse Op.1 Nr.2 (J.Mattheson)
* Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 01:32;
* Played: 2,681 (J)
[39-11] Allemande // 12 Sonatas a2 et 3 Flutes sans Basse Op.1 Nr.2 (J.Mattheson)
* Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 01:18;
* Played: 2,632 (J)
[39-12] Largo // 12 Sonatas a2 et 3 Flutes sans Basse Op.1 Nr.2 (J.Mattheson)
* Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 00:28;
* Played: 2,285 (J)
[39-13] Gigue // 12 Sonatas a2 et 3 Flutes sans Basse Op.1 Nr.2 (J.Mattheson)
* Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 01:51;
* Played: 3,024 (J)
[39-14] Tant que vivrai en âge florissant (C.de Sermisy: ca.1490-1562)
* Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 00:46;
* Played: 2,425 (J)
[39-15] Ce moys de may (C.Janequin: ca.1485-1558)
* Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 00:57;
* Played: 2,468 (J)
[39-16] Now is the month of maying (T.Morley: 1557-1602)
* Play:
high /
normal /
low ; * Time: 00:57;
* Played: 2,507 (J)