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IL DIVO "Papalin" --- Papalin's Music Performances [日本語] [English]

Home > "Let's Sing NIPPON Project", etc.

Papalins' Chorus by many Papalins

ID: W306
Logo of work W306

"Let's Sing NIPPON Project", etc.

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:01:47; * Released: 2006-4-9
* Genre: Modern

M001 top

Horane / Ito Keiji & Matsushita Ko

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 08:12; * Released: 2012-1-17 (J)

for Equal Voices Chorus

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:06; * Played: 1,665 (J)

for Mixed Voices Chorus

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:06; * Played: 1,573 (J)

M002 top

Tatta Hitotsuno / Nouso Masao & Kinoshita Makiko

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:47; * Released: 2012-1-18 (J)

for Mixed Voices Chorus

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:47; * Played: 1,593 (J)

M003 top

Wakuwaku / Tanikawa Shuntaro & Nobunaga Takatomi

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 10:47; * Released: 2012-1-20 (J)

for Male Voices Chorus

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 05:24; * Played: 1,546 (J)

for Mixed Voices Chorus

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 05:23; * Played: 1,483 (J)

M004 top

Sayonarawa Karino Kotoba / Tanikawa Shuntaro & Okuma Takako

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 03:16; * Released: 2012-1-21 (J)

for Mixed Voices Chorus

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 03:16; * Played: 1,419 (J)

M005 top

Kotoba / Tanikawa Shuntaro & Otake Kumi

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:57; * Released: 2012-1-21 (J)

for Mixed Voices Chorus

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:57; * Played: 1,567 (J)

M100 top

Hanawa Saku / Iwai Shunji & Kanno Yoko

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 13:23; * Released: 2012-11-14 (J)

for Papalin Chorus

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:38; * Played: 9,426 (J)

for Papalin Recorders

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:25; * Played: 1,235 (J)

for Papalin Recorder Orchestra

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:20; * Played: 1,098 (J)

M900 top

Tsubute Songs / Wago Ryoichi & Niimi Tokuhide

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 37:41; * Released: 2012-1-18

1. Anatawa Dokoni

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:36; * Played: 2,701 (J)

2. Furusato

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:45; * Played: 2,128 (J)

3. Hoshano

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:59; * Played: 1,519 (J)

4. Moeagaro

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:59; * Played: 1,305 (J)

5. Yuruseruka Anatawa

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 03:00; * Played: 1,093 (J)

6. Daremo Inai Fukushima

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 03:28; * Played: 1,003 (J)

7. Naze Ikiru

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:17; * Played: 955 (J)

8. Namidaga Naiteiru

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:52; * Played: 915 (J)

9. Ushinaukotowa Kanashii

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 03:24; * Played: 882 (J)

10. Yumega Arunara

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:40; * Played: 863 (J)

11. Machiwo Kaese

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:21; * Played: 846 (J)

12. Kasanariau TetoTe

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:10; * Played: 852 (J)

51. Naze Ikiru

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:24; * Played: 721 (J)

52. Hoshano

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:50; * Played: 715 (J)

53. Daremo Inai Fukushima

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:56; * Played: 737 (J)

M910 top

Arigatogozaimashita / Iwakawa Tomoko

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:10; * Released: 2012-10-1 (J)

for Mixed Voices Chorus

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:10; * Played: 382 (J)

M990 top

Instrumental Works etc.

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:21; * Released: 2012-1-18

Kondo Kohei / "Prayer on the seashore" Op.121

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:21; * Played: 605 (J)

M991 top

S. Verhelst (1976-) / "A SONG FOR JAPAN" for trombone solo, duet, trio or quartet

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 32:13; * Released: 2012-2-9

1. Solo version

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:28; * Played: 554

2. Duet version

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:30; * Played: 525

3. Trio version

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:52; * Played: 517

4. Quartet version

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:51; * Played: 539

5. Octet version (4-feet)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:44; * Played: 547

6. Octet version (8-feet)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:44; * Played: 571

7. Brass Ensemble version (10-parts, 16-feet)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:04; * Played: 659

* Please use navigation at top of this page to return to top page.
* Songs in this page can be played using Adobe Flash, Windows Media(R) Player ,QuickTime Player, iPad/iPhone/iPod touch, Android. * Please refer links in top page about the players.
* normal/low/high on `play' button represents transfer bit rates. Please select higher bit rate to play with high quality sound.