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Home > Codex Escorial Chansonnier (ca.1430-1445 Madrid) > Codex Escorial Chansonnier (ca.1430-1445 Madrid)

Codex Escorial Chansonnier (ca.1430-1445)
(Biblioteca del Monasterio El Escorial, Palacio Real, Monasterio de S. Lorenzo, El Escorial, Madrid)
E-E MS V. III. 24

ID: W329
Logo of work W329

Codex Escorial Chansonnier (ca.1430-1445 Madrid)

* Released: 2020-9-14;
* Genre: Composer:Many, 02-Medieval, 03-Renaissance, 12-Recorder(Ensemble), 14-Song(Chorus), 21-Christian music, 32-Chorus Music

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Codex Escorial Chansonnier (ca.1430-1445 Madrid)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:09:00; * Released: 2020-9-14 (J)

1. "Se mon cuer a hault entrepris"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:48; * Played: 415 (J)

2. "Je vous salue. ma maistresse"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:24; * Played: 414 (J)

3. "Je ne fay tousjour"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:05; * Played: 413 (J)

4. "Par tous lez alans / Cheluy qui vous remerchira"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:10; * Played: 409 (J)

5. "Puisque m'amour m'a pris en déplaisir"(John Dunstable)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:15; * Played: 409 (J)

6. "Il m'est si grief vostre depart"(Jacobus Vide)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:24; * Played: 407 (J)

7. "Vostre tres doulx regart playsant"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:55; * Played: 408 (J)

8. "Tous desplaisirs m'en sont prochains"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:15; * Played: 407 (J)

9. "Se la belle n'a le voloít"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:59; * Played: 408 (J)

10. "Depuis le congie que je pris"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:19; * Played: 404 (J)

11. "Vostre alee me desplaist"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:15; * Played: 403 (J)

12. "Je ne pourroye plus durer"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:11; * Played: 401 (J)

13. "Craindre vous vueil doulce damme de pris"(Guillaume Dufay)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:04; * Played: 402 (J)

14. "Le tresorire de bonte"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:29; * Played: 403 (J)

15. "Se j'eusse un seul peu d'esperanche"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:15; * Played: 403 (J)

16. "Liesse m'a mandé salut"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:13; * Played: 398 (J)

17. "Plains de plours et gemisemens"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:09; * Played: 399 (J)

18. "Puis que fortune m'est si dure"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:31; * Played: 401 (J)

19. "Bon jour, bon mois, bonne sepmaine"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:06; * Played: 401 (J)

20. "Or ne scay je que devenir"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:15; * Played: 399 (J)

21. "Mon seul et souverain desir"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:01; * Played: 398 (J)

22. "Las comment porraye auoir Joye"(Nicolas Merques)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:58; * Played: 398 (J)

23. "Lune tresbelle clere lune"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:57; * Played: 397 (J)

24. "Or pleust a dieu qu'a son plaisir"(Guillaume Dufay)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:21; * Played: 397 (J)

25. "Pourray ie auoir vostre merchy"(Guillaume Dufay)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:59; * Played: 398 (J)

26. "Adieu mes tres belles amours"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:57; * Played: 395 (J)

27. "Adieu ma tres belle maistresse"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:10; * Played: 394 (J)

28. "Adieu adieu mon Joieulx souuenir"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:09; * Played: 395 (J)

29. "Je natens plus de resconfort"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:11; * Played: 393 (J)

30. "Adieu jusques ie vous revoye"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:31; * Played: 395 (J)

31. "Al eerbaerheit weisch ic vort an"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:49; * Played: 392 (J)

32. "Adieu mon amoureuse Joye"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:28; * Played: 391 (J)

33. "Belle, esse dont vostre plaisir"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:58; * Played: 391 (J)

34. "Bien viengnant, ma tresredoubtée"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:30; * Played: 390 (J)

35. "Cest assez pour morir"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:58; * Played: 389 (J)

36. "Cuidon que je poille castaingnes"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:48; * Played: 389 (J)

37. "Dueil angoisseux, rage de meseuree"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:20; * Played: 390 (J)

38. "De ceste joieuse advenue"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:09; * Played: 391 (J)

39. "De plus en plus se renouuelle"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:55; * Played: 392 (J)

40. "En bonne foy vous estez belle"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:44; * Played: 390 (J)

41. "Esclave puist il donc en"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:07; * Played: 389 (J)

42. "Fontaine, a vous dire le voir"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:52; * Played: 390 (J)

43. "Helas ma dame quay je fait"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:40; * Played: 389 (J)

44. "Helas je n'ose descouvrir"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:50; * Played: 387 (J)

45. "Jamais ne quiers avoir liesse"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:52; * Played: 387 (J)

46. "Je n'ay quelque cause de joye"(Anonymous) [incomplete]

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:53; * Played: 387 (J)

47. "Jamais tant que je vous revoye"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:10; * Played: 387 (J)

48. "Jay mains espoir davoir Joye"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:39; * Played: 386 (J)

49. "Je cuidoye estre conforte"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:57; * Played: 387 (J)

50. "J'aime bien celui qui s'en va"(Pierre Fontaine)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:47; * Played: 387 (J)

51. "La merchi, ma dame et amours"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:54; * Played: 386 (J)

52. "Loez soit Dieu des biens de ly"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:44; * Played: 389 (J)

53. "Margarite fleur de valeur"(Gilles Binchois)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:02; * Played: 387 (J)

54. "Mon coeur auoeque vous s'en va"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:02; * Played: 387 (J)

55. "Ope es in minnen groot ghenuecht"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:07; * Played: 391 (J)

56. "Soyes loyal a vous pouoir"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:05; * Played: 386 (J)

57. "Las comment(que) feray ne que (je) deuenray"(Guillaume Dufay)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:13; * Played: 388 (J)

58. "L'onneur de vous, dame sans per"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:03; * Played: 387 (J)

59. "Bien viegnes (vous) mon prinche gracieux"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:00; * Played: 387 (J)

60. "Estrines moy je vous estrineray"(Guillaume Dufay)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:03; * Played: 388 (J)

61. "Va t'en mon desir gracieux"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:57; * Played: 384 (J)

62. "Jugies ce je doy joye auoir"(Anonymous)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:08; * Played: 388 (J)

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* Songs in this page can be played using Adobe Flash, Windows Media(R) Player, QuickTime Player, iPad/iPhone/iPod touch, Android. * Please refer links in top page about the players.
* normal/low/high on `play' button represents transfer bit rates. Please select higher bit rate to play with high quality sound.