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Home > Philippe Verdelot (1480to1485 - c1532)

Philippe Verdelot (1480 to 1485 - c. 1530 to 1532?) was a French composer of the Renaissance, who spent most of his life in Italy. He is commonly considered to be the father of the Italian madrigal, and certainly was one of its earliest and most prolific composers; in addition he was prominent in the musical life of Florence during the period after the recapture of the city by the Medici from the followers of Girolamo Savonarola.

ID: W100
Logo of work W100

Philippe Verdelot (1480to1485 - c1532)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:13:12; * Released: 2013-8-7
* Genre: Composer:V, 03-Renaissance, 12-Recorder(Ensemble), 21-Christian music, 32-Chorus Music

M001 top

Sacred Music

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 07:45; * Released: 2013-8-7 (J)

Beata es Virgo Maria (à7)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:45; * Played: 238 (J)

Gabriel archangelus (à4)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 03:22; * Played: 234 (J)

Tanto tempore vobiscum sum (à4)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:38; * Played: 225 (J)

M002 top

Secular Music (Category: A)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 05:28; * Released: 2013-8-9 (J)

Affliti Spirti mei

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:40; * Played: 201 (J)

Altro non e

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:00; * Played: 195 (J)

Amor, io sento l'alma

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:52; * Played: 193 (J)

Amor se d'hor in hor

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:56; * Played: 194 (J)

M003 top

Secular Music (Category: B)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:25; * Released: 2013-8-9 (J)

Benchè'l misero cor

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:25; * Played: 193 (J)

M004 top

Secular Music (Category: C)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:18; * Released: 2013-8-9 (J)

Con lagrime & sospir

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:53; * Played: 189 (J)

Con l'angelico riso

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:25; * Played: 187 (J)

M005 top

Secular Music (Category: D)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 08:59; * Released: 2013-8-9 (J)

Deh perche si veloce

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:53; * Played: 185 (J)

Divini occhi sereni

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:03; * Played: 185 (J)

Donna che sete tra le belle bella

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:33; * Played: 184 (J)

Donna leggiadr' et bella

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:57; * Played: 180 (J)

Donna se fiera

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:51; * Played: 179 (J)

Dormend' un giorno

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:42; * Played: 177 (J)

M008 top

Secular Music (Category: G)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:48; * Released: 2013-8-10 (J)

Gloriar mi posso io donne

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:48; * Played: 178 (J)

M010 top

Secular Music (Category: I)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 06:53; * Released: 2013-8-10 (J)

I vostr'acuti mi fan

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:54; * Played: 184 (J)

Igno soave ove'l mio foco

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:35; * Played: 182 (J)

Italia mia

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 03:24; * Played: 189 (J)

M013 top

Secular Music (Category: L)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 05:15; * Released: 2013-8-10 (J)

La bella man mi porse

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:49; * Played: 184 (J)

Lasso che mal accorto fui da prima

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:49; * Played: 186 (J)

Lasso che se creduto

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:37; * Played: 181 (J)

M014 top

Secular Music (Category: M)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 08:48; * Released: 2013-8-10 (J)

Madonna'l tuo bel viso

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:24; * Played: 168 (J)

Madonna io sol vorrei

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:28; * Played: 164 (J)

Madonna io v'amo

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:48; * Played: 164 (J)

Madonna non so dir

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:44; * Played: 161 (J)

Madonna per voi ardo

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:24; * Played: 160 (J)

M015 top

Secular Music (Category: N)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 03:17; * Released: 2013-8-10 (J)

Non mai donna

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:29; * Played: 179 (J)

Non vi fidate o simplicetti amanti

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:48; * Played: 175 (J)

M016 top

世俗作品   Secular Music (Category: O)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:14; * Released: 2013-8-10 (J)

O dolce nocte

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:14; * Played: 168 (J)

M017 top

Secular Music (Category: P)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:03; * Released: 2013-8-10 (J)

Piove da gli occhi della donna mia

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:03; * Played: 167 (J)

M018 top

Secular Music (Category: Q)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 07:17; * Released: 2013-8-10 (J)

Quando amor i begli occhi

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:37; * Played: 159 (J)

Quando hauran

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:09; * Played: 161 (J)

Quanto hai

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:46; * Played: 155 (J)

Quanto sia liet' il giorno

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:45; * Played: 162 (J)

M020 top

Secular Music (Category: S)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 08:05; * Released: 2013-8-10 (J)

S'io pensasse madonna

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:04; * Played: 155 (J)

Se lieta e grata morte

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:05; * Played: 152 (J)

Se mai provasti donna

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:40; * Played: 156 (J)

Se voi porgesti una sol fiata

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:39; * Played: 155 (J)

Seule demeure

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:37; * Played: 153 (J)

M022 top

Secular Music (Category: U)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:09; * Released: 2013-8-10 (J)

Ultimi miei sospiri

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:09; * Played: 156 (J)

M023 top

Secular Music (Category: V)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:28; * Released: 2013-8-10 (J)

Vita de la mia vita

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:28; * Played: 152 (J)

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* Songs in this page can be played using Adobe Flash, Windows Media(R) Player ,QuickTime Player, iPad/iPhone/iPod touch, Android. * Please refer links in top page about the players.
* normal/low/high on `play' button represents transfer bit rates. Please select higher bit rate to play with high quality sound.