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Home > Reproduction of the Real Concerts and CDs > AEOLIAN Concert No.5 in Sayado 2009.12.20

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Reproduction of the Real Concerts and CDs

* Released: 2005-12-23;
* Genre: Renaissance, Baroque, Classicism, Romanticism, Modern

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AEOLIAN Concert No.5 in Sayado 2009.12.20

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:10:59; * Released: 2022-9-2

1. Alessandro Striggio (1535-1592) / La Cacccia (Seconda Parte a Cinque)

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:32; * Played: 669 (J)

2. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) / Toccata und Fuge d moll BWV538 1.Toccata

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 05:29; * Played: 804 (J)

3. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) / Toccata und Fuge d moll BWV538 2.Fuge

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 05:51; * Played: 874 (J)

4. Loyset Compere (C1445-1518) / Motetto "O Genitrix gloriosa"

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:55; * Played: 700 (J)

5. Anonyme / Chanson "Jay pris amours" [org.]

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:36; * Played: 700 (J)

6. Jean Japart (fl.c1474-1481) / Chanson "Jay pris amours" [arr.]

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:43; * Played: 679 (J)

7. Hayne van Ghizeghem (c1445-after1472) / Chanson "De tous biens plaine" [org.]

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:29; * Played: 651 (J)

8. Anonyme / Chanson "De tous biens plaine" [arr.]

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:01; * Played: 672 (J)

9. Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643) / Fiori Musicali 32 Recercar con obligo del Basso come apare

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:00; * Played: 672 (J)

10. Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643) / Fiori Musicali 44 Recercar con obligo di Cantare la Quinta parte senza Tocarla

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 03:03; * Played: 709 (J)

11. Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643) / Fiori Musicali 46 Bergamasca

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:44; * Played: 766 (J)

12. Juan Bautista Jose Cabanilles (1644-1712) / Tiento XXIII

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 06:47; * Played: 803 (J)

13. Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow (1663-1712) / "An Wasselflüssen Babylon"

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:00; * Played: 638 (J)

14. Franz Tunder (1614-1667) / "An Wasselflüssen Babylon"

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:59; * Played: 694 (J)

15. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) / "An Wasselflüssen Babylon" BWV267

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:15; * Played: 646 (J)

16. Alfonso Ferrabosco II (1572-1628) / Pavan a5 No.4 "four-note Pavan"

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:14; * Played: 677 (J)

17. Alfonso Ferrabosco II (1572-1628) / In Nomine a5 No.2

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 03:00; * Played: 702 (J)

18. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) / Cantata No.68 1."Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt"

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:38; * Played: 631 (J)

19. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) / Cantata No.68 2."Mein Gläubiges Herze"

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 03:49; * Played: 717 (J)

20. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) / Cantata No.68 4."Du bist geboren mir zugute"

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 04:19; * Played: 748 (J)

21. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) / Cantata No.68 5."Wer an ihn gläubet, der wird nicht gerichtet"

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 02:33; * Played: 619 (J)

22. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) / "Das Orgelbuchlein: Herr Christ, der ein'ge Gottes-Sohn" BWV601

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 01:14; * Played: 643 (J)

23. Franz Tunder (1614-1667) / "Helft mir Gott's Gute preisen" Vers 1

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:41; * Played: 624 (J)

24. Franz Tunder (1614-1667) / "Helft mir Gott's Gute preisen" Vers 2

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:46; * Played: 630 (J)

25. Franz Tunder (1614-1667) / "Helft mir Gott's Gute preisen" Vers 3

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:51; * Played: 613 (J)

26. Franz Tunder (1614-1667) / "Helft mir Gott's Gute preisen" Vers 4

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:57; * Played: 635 (J)

27. Franz Tunder (1614-1667) / "Helft mir Gott's Gute preisen" Vers 5

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:51; * Played: 612 (J)

28. Franz Tunder (1614-1667) / "Helft mir Gott's Gute preisen" Vers 6

* Play: high / normal / low ; * Time: 00:42; * Played: 626 (J)

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* Songs in this page can be played using Adobe Flash, Windows Media(R) Player, QuickTime Player, iPad/iPhone/iPod touch, Android. * Please refer links in top page about the players.
* normal/low/high on `play' button represents transfer bit rates. Please select higher bit rate to play with high quality sound.